Wildflower Walks
Get ready to say goodbye to bare trees & brown leaves. Make the most of the blooming spring season by attending one of Miami’s Wildflower Walks!

Buds are beginning to sprout from the ground and temperatures are warming up. This can only mean one thing: spring is near in Oxford, Ohio! Say goodbye to bare tree branches and sad brown bushes. It’s time to make way for new life in the form of green leaves and flowers of every color.
You can make the most of all these blooming beauties by attending one of Oxford’s beloved Wildflower Walks, led by professional botanists from Miami University. These colorful walks will once again take place at the Silvoor Biological Sanctuary, a five-acre home to over 60 species of wildflowers. Just minutes from the Miami University campus and with one entrance nestled snugly in a local neighborhood by Peffer Park, the Silvoor Biological Sanctuary has been a staple in the Oxford community since the park was donated to the university by Dr. Robert A. Hefner in 1978. Today, the sanctuary overlaps a mosaic of university and private properties, requiring a creative, collaborative management effort among residents and volunteers.
The Wildflower Walks will take place at 1:00 PM on seven consecutive Sundays, beginning on March 30th and ending on May 11th (Mother’s Day). To participate, meet your guide and fellow walkers at the pavilion located in Peffer Park (off of US 27). Wear comfortable, sturdy, walking shoes to prepare for some steep trails, sunscreen, and bug repellent.
Lastly, make sure your camera is ready to go! You won’t be able to resist taking a few photos of the gorgeous flowers lining the trail.

iNaturalist App
Want to stay up-to-date on what’s happening with the Silvoor Biological Sanctuary and contribute your own findings? All participants will be given information on how to create an account with the iNaturalist app, find the Silvoor Biological Sanctuary project, and contribute observations and identifications with your phone!
Now there’s nothing left to do but get your walking shoes ready. The spring wildflowers await!