Red Brick Reunion Porsche Car Show

Prepare for the 11th annual Red Brick Reunion Porsche Car Show, on August 16th, 2025!
The annual Red Brick Reunion (RBR) Porsche Car Show is coming back to Oxford, OH for another day on the brick streets of the Historic Uptown District. This year will mark the 11th annual show on High Street from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM on August 16th, 2025.
Register your Porsche
Register your Porsche in the annual RBR car show for Popular Voting (even spectators can complete a ballot!), the Concours Preparation Class, and Sponsor Choice Awards. The Concours Preparation class is judged by PCA-trained judges who will review and score the level of show preparation of each car.
Pre-register online, or register on the day of the event. (Pre-registration guarantees a swag bag and a t-shirt)
You don’t have to own a Porsche to enjoy the show! There will be live music on the pavilion stage at Oxford Memorial Park (band info coming soon!). Walk the streets, take photos, then grab a bite to eat at one of the many locally-owned restaurants and enjoy the live show while you eat and shop. Red Brick Reunion is free to attend, take in the sights, and enjoy this summer tradition in Oxford!
Saturday, August 16th – RBR Porsche Car Show Day
- A full schedule of Red Brick Reunion 2025 events is coming soon!

See you on the bricks!